The output from df is quite ugly, especially on Linux, Solaris; well, all of them.
Without further ago, a simple script I like to call DF which tidies it up considerably.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
# code in this script is ever so slightly old-fashioned
# so that it works even back to Perl 5.006 (hello Solaris 8)
my $commas;
if($ARGV[0] eq '-commas') {
$commas = 1;
if($^O =~ /linux/) {
open(DFD, "df -vkP @ARGV |")
or die "Cannot open pipe from df: $!";
else {
# this assumes Solaris
# email if you have issues with other OS - we can fix it.
open(DFD, "df -vk @ARGV |")
or die "Cannot open pipe from df: $!";
sub fixup($$) {
my ($l, $r) = @_;
$l =~ s/ ( \d+)$/$1/;
return "$l,$r";
sub commas($) {
local $_ = $_[0];
if($commas && /^\d+$/) {
1 while s/(.*\d)(\d\d\d)/fixup $1, $2/e;
return $_;
my @row = map {
# fix a column header that annoys the split
my $x = s/Mounted on/Mounted-on/ ? 1 : 0;
my $cols = [ map { commas $_ } split ];
if($x && $^O !~ /linux/) {
$x = pop @$cols;
splice @$cols, 1, 0, $x;
} <DFD>;
# calculate max width of each column of each row
my @widths;
map {
for(my $i = 0; $i < @$_; ++$i) {
my $l = length $_->[$i];
$widths[$i] = $l if $widths[$i] < $l;
} @row;
$widths[0] *= -1;
$widths[4] *= -1;
$widths[5] *= -1;
# generate the format string
my $format = join(' ', map { "%${_}s" } @widths) . "\n";
printf $format, @$_ foreach @row;
exit 0;
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